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Challenges in Planning Solar Power Plants

Solar power plant providers face numerous challenges, such as ensuring structural stability with official static calculations, optimal placement of panels on various types of roofs, compliance with standards, and obtaining accurate roof data.

The solution to these challenges is our advanced planning software that automates and optimizes processes while providing accurate and reliable results. Soltec Solar.Pro.Tool, supported by Levasoft, is comprehensive software that enables precise structural calculations, optimal placement of the mounting system elements, cost optimization, and official structural reports creation. We offer this tool to simplify the work for installers and increase value for end customers.

Challenges in Planning Solar Power Plants

Solar power plant providers face numerous challenges, such as ensuring structural stability with official static calculations, optimal placement of panels on various types of roofs, compliance with standards, and obtaining accurate roof data.

The solution to these challenges is our advanced planning software that automates and optimizes processes while providing accurate and reliable results. Soltec Solar.Pro.Tool, supported by Levasoft, is comprehensive software that enables precise structural calculations, optimal placement of the mounting system elements, cost optimization, and official structural reports creation. We offer this tool to simplify the work for installers and increase value for end customers.

Benefits for Solar Power Plant Providers

Solar.Pro.Tool allows for easy configuration to achieve structural adequacy and stability for solar power plants.

      Automatic recognition of roof configurations using Google Maps enables quick and easy data entry, reducing planning time. This is achieved with the help from Google AI and Gurobi artificial intelligence.
      3D visualization of panel placement on the roof allows for precise planning and presentation of the final setup.
      With Solar.Pro.Tool, the installation of solar power plants becomes more efficient and economical. It reduces material consumption and installation time, leading to lower overall project costs.
      • optimal placement considering roof obstacles
      • optimal selection of the mounting system elements
      • automatic rail-cutting optimization
      Utilizing climate data to determine all necessary loads based on the location and roof configuration ensures compliance with standards and optimal safety.
      Solar.Pro.Tool enables rapid planning of solar power plant installations, generation of detailed material specifications, and creation of official reports in a very short time..

Enhance your value proposition by providing an official structural report.

Benefits for the Customer

Guaranteed Safety and Stability

Solar.Pro.Tool ensures a safe and stable mounting system with an official structural report, allowing for worry-free usage.

Usability of Reports in Administrative Processes

Official structural reports are useful in various administrative processes and in the design of solar power plant installations.

Optimal Panel Placement

Precise shading calculations and optimal panel placement ensure maximum efficiency of the solar panels.

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Pripravljeni na nov projekt?

Izpolnite kontaktni obrazec in izkoristite sončno energijo z najmočnejšim in vsestranskim sistemom podkonstrukcij na trgu. Izpolnite pdf obrazec s podrobnostmi o vaši strehi, ga naložite preko kontaktnega obrazca in kmalu boste prejeli prilagojeno ponudbo.

    Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

    tukaj smo, da vam odgovorimo.

    01.Po čem so Soltec podkonstrukcije za sončne panele drugačne od drugih rešitev na trgu?
    Naši sistemi so izjemno močni. Poleg tega pa omogočajo učinkovito in hitro namestitev ter veliko prilagodljivost posameznim projektom.
    02.Kako Soltec podkonstrukcija za solarne panele prihrani čas in denar?
    Naši vnaprej sestavljeni elementi in poenostavljeni postopki namestitve prispevajo k 18-odstotnemu prihranku časa za namestitev v primerjavi z drugimi sistemi.
    03.Kateri materiali se uporabljajo v Soltec podkonstrukcijah za solarne panele?
    Uporabljamo lahke in močne elemente iz aluminijeve zlitine, ki zagotavlja vzdržljivost, možnost recikliranja in izjemno stabilnost pri obremenitvi.
    04.Ali so Soltec podkonstrukcije primerne za različne strehe?
    Da, naši sistemi imajo prilagodljive konfiguracije, ki se brez težav prilegajo širokemu razponu značilnosti streh in strešnikov.
    05.Ali so podkonstrukcije Soltec primerne za glineno opečnato kritino?
    Seveda. Naš sistem za montažo sončnih panelov na glineno opečnato kritino (FV1) je skrbno zasnovan za enostavno namestitev na različne strehe tega tipa, ne glede na značilnosti strešnikov.
    06.Ali so podkonstrukcije Soltec primerne za trapezne strehe?
    Seveda. Naša podkonstrukcija za trapezne strehe (FV2) je zasnovana za enostavno namestitev na različne pločevinaste strehe brez invazivnih ukrepov.
    07.Ali imajo Soltec podkonstrukcije za solarne panele garancijo?
    Da, ponujamo 10-letno garancijo za izdelek, saj jamčimo za vzdržljivost in zmogljivost naših sistemov.
    08.Kako Soltec prispeva k trajnostni prihodnosti?
    Naša vizija je svet, v katerem sončna energija ne pozna meja. Zato ustvarjamo izdelke, ki jih odlikujejo učinkovitost, dolga življenjska doba in minimalen vpliv na okolje.
    09.Ali je mogoče Soltec podkonstrukcije za solarne panele prilagoditi posebnim projektom?
    Naše komponente omogočajo enostavno prilagajanje posamezni kritini in vam tako dajejo možnost, da uresničite svoj projekt, kot ste si zamislili.
    10.Kako Soltec zagotavlja visoko zmogljivost svojih podkonstrukcij za solarne panele?
    Naše komponente in dodatki so zasnovani tako, da so združljivi z različnimi sistemi, in jih je mogoče prilagoditi različnim kritinam in streham. S posebno geometrijo in visokokakovostnmii materiali, ki ne povzročajo korozije, zagotavljamo največjo učinkovitost, dolgo življenjsko dobo in vsestranskost pri velikih obremenitvah.